These 6 TED talks by inspirational women will remind you how extraordinary you are, build confidence and increase self esteem.

Sit back and be truly inspired by six TED talks by inspirational women who live life, kick ass, create change and make a difference. These true stories by some of the most inspiring women will build your confidence and self belief.
Inspirational Women - Talk #1:
Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable; Luvvie Ajayi
"In a world that wants us to whisper, I choose to yell."
Inspirational Women - Talk #2:
Girl Up: The Secrets to an Extraordinary Life; Courtney Ferrell
"Self confidence is knowing that one day you are going to be something bigger than you are right now."
Inspirational Women - Talk #3:
The Art of Being Yourself; Caroline McHugh
"Most of us don’t take up nearly as much of the space the universe intended for us. Which is why when you see someone in the full flow of their humanity, it is remarkable."
Inspirational Women - Talk #4:
The Magic Art of Not Giving a F*ck; Sarah McKnight
"This is how you stop spending time you don't have, with people you don't like, doing things you don't want to do."
Inspirational Women - Talk #5:
The Power of Zero Tolerance; Isabelle Mercier
"If you can’t say no to what you don’t want, you will never have the time and the energy for what you do want."
Inspirational Women Talk #6:
The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong; Amy Morin
"The only person you should compare yourself to, is who you were yesterday."
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